best for your nail

Nail body part frequently ignored treatment and the well-being. in in reality, nail often not assumed, while there a important secret stored at the opposite of this nail. do you know, finger nail and toenail well-being detection tool? 5_thumb[7]
nail general colour pink appearance white. this nail colour for you in good health. if your body is water deficit,  or vitamin, this nail condition will change also the colour.
if really you want has strong nail and well, look carefully change that appear in your nail. bothing;there is no the wrong give attention more in your nail.
there two benefits that can you take, has finger more curveder with pretty nail. second, easier for you to detect to what you are vitamin deficit and mineral, because nail colour can show it.
to get strong nail and well, you must begin from what you are consumption. don't be afraid, you still free consuming your favorite food. but you must give portions quotum more in food that can help repair and nail treatment.
want to know food everything that can good to your nail? correct reading list follows:
1. apple
2. asparagus
3. cucumber
4. egg
4. garlic
5. wine
6. heart
7. pod
8. onion
9. salmon
10. cereals
11. tuna

well, not difficult menu? you meet it every day, may be at your dining table always available. multiply food portions so that your nail gains and beautiful.

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