Express Treatment for Hands

Hand the body is the most easily visible, but most often ignored. But often you use it every day. Actually you need to give the same 4treatment as the body of the other. To do care do not need your hands to the salon but you can do yourself at home with quick and easy way. If you want to know about it you should see the following steps.

  • If you often cook then you can subdued hands with you how to add a little almond oil or one teaspoon almond oil into your bathtub wash. Air will subdued this skin are the actual oil will keep the moisture of your skin.
    Try to remove your dead  skin cells with the dissolve sea salt and lemon. Gently rubbing this compound on the hands with the toothbrush that is unused. Do this twice a week so that subdued hands to remove dirt and skin on your hands.
  • The next step you can wash your hands with all the warm water, then use washlap and scrub with a soft hands. When the skin starts to humid, give mix one teaspoon honey and one teaspoon olive oil. Then enter the second hands in a small plastic bag, after the entry into the gloves of cloth and leave for thirty minutes. Hantaran this summer will help absorption of this treatment.
  • Or you can heat a cup of milk in microwave for 30 seconds until warm, but comfortable enough when touched. in water syour hands for five minutes to strengthen nails and damp skin. milk in the womb not only contains lactic acid, alpha hydroxy acid that is able to peel the dead skin cells with gentle, but also contains calcium which is very useful to strengthen the nail that is easily broken.

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