Pretty Permanent Under Suffocating Sun

one of [the] glad woman biggest enemy comes up pretty suffocating sun that can to make faded face ornament because sweat. when does temperature increase, makeup that applied in skin inclined meleleh and seen in a mess. prevent display sweats with trik next: clip_image001_thumb2

1. don't too bertumpuk
than wear three product kinds at face, like moisturizer, sun screen,  and powder covering, enough choose one kind multifungsi, like foundation that contain moisturizer plus sun screen. more thiner ingredient that used in face, fewer also product that faded. don't forget to flattened product in neck and breast if part opened.

2. choose product waterproof
moment shop cosmetics, ask to watchman konter, do they take outside similar product waterproof. for example, mascara. mascara type likes this hold back longer at lash. even less lately weather often uncertain, morning weather can very hot, temporary afternoon torrential rains the day. besides go along way, mascara waterproof also help curved lash longer.

3. although perona cheek has paled because sweat, if mascara and perona lip stills seen good, your ornament permanent will be seen fresh. so that permanent lipstick is seen pretty although outside hot whip, choose lip stain than lipstick or lipgloss. lip stain usually formed cream, mengulaskan with small brush or with finger. if you out room, aim suffocating hot, don't forget to use lip balm that enriched sun screen.

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