Problem Free Pure Armpit

Who not passionate see blouses line without arm,  and tank top at etalasi mal or boutique? don't be direct shift opinion to coats berlengan just because not pede with armpit not pure. follow tips next so that you are self confidence permanent.
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why does armpit skin can become black?
usually armpit skin becomes black caused by irritation in skin. irritation can be caused because you shave it or often scratched. closed body parts or has fold, really very susceptible towards frictions, because body part quicker lembap.

how care it so that escaped from irritation become black
1. clean armpit every day.
2. if we like to shave or pull plume at armpit, must know rule play it. the paragraph, shave or will pull armpit feather will make wide opened armpit skin pore. thereby the protection is minimum and you even also more susceptible hitted irritation. best, if we like to shave it, cukur inch by inch as according to armpit line direction.
3. better shave it in bighttime, so that normal armpit skin returns the day after at the (time) of you apply deodorant.
4. so that armpit skin protecteder, you can use shaving cream before shaved. lembap formerly armpit skin with water so that blander shavings result.
5. wear gold digger have a certain quality good.
6. always use clean clothes and not too tight.
7. decrease food that can stimulate superlative sweat production, such as those which too hot.
8. if armpit excessive black, you can pay a visit to skin doctor,  and usually doctor will give cream special so that black armpit skin will return normal.

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